Dual Credit

We are pleased to be able to offer Gholson High School students the opportunity to enroll in dual credit classes. A dual credit class is a course in which a student receives both high school and college credit. Currently, Gholson High School students have the opportunity to enroll in the dual credit program through McLennan Community College (MCC). Students may begin taking dual credit courses in their sophomore year of high school.

Students enrolled in dual credit classes receive many benefits: a head start on college course work and reasonable tuition and fees; however, dual credit candidates also need to take precautions to avoid potential pitfalls:

  • Dual credit students are building a college transcript, and grades earned will be recorded permanently on the college academic record.
  • Many classes taken as dual credit will transfer to a student's future college and/or major, but some do not. It is the student's responsibility to research potential colleges and majors to investigate whether or not a dual credit class will transfer and be helpful in meeting future academic goals.

The process for completing the dual credit process is as follows:

Review the program guidelines on this website and the student enrollment checklist.

Please collect this information before beginning:

  • Student's physical address
  • Student's Social Security number
  • Student's email address (not an ISD address)
  • Student's phone number
  • Parent's legal name
  • Parent's email address (not an MCC address)

McLennan County area students should access the High School Pathways Portal--the online enrollment system for dual credit, ECHS, and early admission.

See the Related Links for the link to the High School Pathways Portal.
The portal's progress tracker guides students through the enrollment process.

Student Instructions for Portal

Monitor the progress tracker to ensure all steps are completed and all paperwork received by MCC.

Please see Mrs. Heskett for more Information.

MOU - McLennan Community College